Pretty cool ain't it? Order it here.
Posters of missing Madeleine McCann are to be made available to book retailers around the world at the request of Harry Potter author JK Rowling.I hope those same posters will also feature prominent pictures of other missing children, you know, the thousands who has gone missing since Madeleine McCann became a newspaper seller, but has received zero publicities. But £5 says it won't be true. Cuteness sells (even I can't resist the charms of 'metoyou' teddies) and nothing is cuter (for the media) than a blonde girl from an affluent family.
Mr Cameron said: "The kids do best if mum and dad are there to look after them and today we have a benefit system that encourages couples to be separate. We have no recognition of marriage in the tax system. These things have to change."What Dave here means is the people responsible for Britain's 'broken society' are single parents, childless married couples and single couples.
He told the BBC that "mending Britain's broken society" was the "big argument of our times". He added: "We need a big cultural change in favour of fatherhood, in favour of parenting, in favour of marriage."
1. Respect our sacred spaces as places of prayer, worship, peace, learning and heritage.This was after Sony issued another apology to Manchester Cathedral and the Church of England over the some death that they (Sony) had no involvements. And like the greedy nutjobs they are the CoE isn't accepting the (second) apology, probably still scheming on extorting a pot of money from Sony and, indirectly, from us videogaming fans.
2. Do not assume that sacred space interiors are copyright free.
3. Get permission from the faith leaders who are responsible for the building interiors you want to clone.
4. Support the work of those engaged in resisting the culture of gun crime and those involved in promoting the work of conflict resolution.
Muslims, homos and socialists: responsible for flooding!The only way to escape death (at least for now) is easy folks. Read that bible of yours and repent. Then you do not have to worry about any natural disasters, like ever.