Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Walkman NWZ-A840 incoming

Well due to a couple of requests I've decided to order a Sony Walkman NWZ-A840-series DAP not long ago. Yes with my own money (just so you know I've never had freebies from Sony before - not that I would complain!). The A845 16GB version is due to arrive late this week/early next week because I can't be arsed to pay Amazon UK the 'upgrade' postage fee.

I am getting a bit excited about it right now. Not to say I'll be keeping it (16GB isn't enough), but I am curious to hear if it would match or even better the formidable X-Series. Both has the same(?) S-master amp powering it, so on paper it should match the X-Series although some reviews are already indicating that it doesn't... I'll give it the usual 1-2 weeks of intense listening before writing the review and would definitely post thoughts via twitter or this blog, depending on the circumstances. Should I also do an unboxing...?

Still I can't help writing that I am very disappointed in Sony Europe for sticking their middle fingers at us, first, for only making this series available 6-7 months after it was announced, and second, for not making the 64GB A847, or even the 32GB A846, available here!


QUIK! said...

Dang, I'm back in Malaysia and will return to the Uk this weekend.

I could've bought a 32GB for you!

Jon Choo said...

Thanks, but I rather hold out for the 64GB as far as permanent investment goes.

Stupid Sony.

How much is it in Msia btw?

Sylvain said...

Mate i couldn't agree more on that. Sony f***ing sucks! Seriously what the hell? 16G ? that's it? they've got a superior product but refuse to bring it to the market...under what reason? Anyway i'm very disappointed in Sony as well and i might also be looking at buying other equipment (the laptop i'll soon have to replace) from alternative manufacturers. I'm looking forward for your review nevertheless.

Jon Choo said...

VAIOs are nice but for laptop buy Lenovo! Or more specifically, their ThinkPads.

QUIK! said...

Yeah, I was hoping that the 64GB will be sold here in Malaysia, but it isn't and it's only sold in Japan. WTF right! I mean seriously...I could really do with a a matter of fact I have been waiting for years for a high-capacity Walkman.

I bought my 32GB at RM999, so at today's exchnage rate, that's 215.539 GBP.

Jon Choo said...

Hear that Sony. People want 64GB!

I've the A840 in my hands now and it is absolutely stunning. So tempted for the 32GB now, but I think I'll rather hold out for the 64GB!

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