Saturday, October 21, 2006

MTB Review: Specialized Air Tool Mini frame pump

We wouldn't be able to do the South Downs Way today due to the fucking rain. Hopefully next week. But here is a bike related post - a Specialized Air Tool Mini frame pump which I just bought from Raymant's. I was there looking at Specialized's 2007 Stuntjumper bikes but I couldn't afford one just yet!

I never thought I would say this but this is the sexiest bicycle frame pump ever made. For your money Specialized made sure that the barrel and shaft is made of nice matte aluminium. Very shiny!

The locking head is compatible with Presta or Schraeder valve, though sadly it doesn't feature Specialized's own SwitchHitter head (which allows for different valves without converting the head).

The other great thing about Specialized's Air Tool series is the handle bar unscrews to reveal a small compartment for storing flat tire patches. It is essentially a gimmick but at least they had the decensy to include a small patch of sandpaper and one glueless patch (though the packaging did imply "patches" so technically Specialized owes me at least one more patch).

Mounted on the bike. As you can see it is very small. Again - very sexy.

As you would expect from an emergency pump, and a small one at that, the pump isn't able to push as much air in as a foot pump (or a normal sized Air Tool) though it works very well -much better than my old Beto anyway. Air still leaks through the valve but a harder push usually solves the problem. But who cares? When you need to hit the trail, you need a small and light frame pump. And this works (fairly) well and is sexy as hell!

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