I was clearing up some boxes and found this old Palm m515 PDA. Remember those? I myself prefer the Sony Clie devices (I had various, the T615C and NR70 being my favourite) but this was one sexy looking device and is easily the last solidly built Palm device (the Tungsten T3 was a great device, but had plenty of issues with the slider). They don't build them like they used to... Next to this, the Pre feels like a cheap toy!
If I can just find the charger cradle, I may actually use it as a desk clock.
This one is perfect even the the T615C and NR70 are terrific because they have a lot of applications, I'm sorry because I sold it to my best friend.m10m
I hate palms... they are so big. I really wish if I could use a japanese phone outside japan because those cellphone do the same as a palm and are like a normal cellphone.
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