I really hope that the producers will kill of West soon. His courting scene with Claire is just so corny it makes me cringe just to watch it. I have a sneaky suspicion that West is a bad guy (the hooded killer maybe?), but Nick D'Agosto's going all Peter Pan was so cheesy I believe that they really should just get rid of him. Also Claire's realisation of her dad's ruthlessness seems to hit her quite badly, but wasn't those already explored in the first season? Claire going all moody with her dad isn't something I really wanted out of this season.
D.L. is now resting in peace(?) inside a tombstone. Finally. He and Nikki's relationship has been explored for far too long in season one. Not too sure about Nikki but her joining The Company is bound to be interesting. More Jessica, less Nikki please. Meanwhile Nikki dumps Micah with his aunt Uhura (!!!). Now we only need Spock to guest as a father to one of the heroes.
Still not sure about David Anders as Takezo Kensei, but unless he is one of the main villains, Hiro's adventure in ancient Japan can't end soon enough as I can't wait till he returns to Ando. James Kyson-Lee was upgraded to the main cast for season two so I expect more adventures between his character Ando and Hiro. We need more future Hiro and less romantic one. Don't forget Charlie, Hiro!
Another thing that I have so far unable to get into is the Maya and Alejandro storyline. So far three episodes has been shown and all we know is they are trying to get into North America and Maya cries black goo when she is upset, and kills people with it. They keep escaping of course, this time with Claire's stolen Nissan Rogue (ugh, product placement). It is getting far too annoying to care about their plight.
It is pretty great seeing Peter Petrelli in a villainous position (albeit as a petty criminal!). Hope that he eventually equals Sylar in terms of badness, but who knows, he may yet find another reason to save the world. Speaking of Sylar, he is back and what a great way to make a return. He has lost his ability and the first thing he does is lose his patience and smash Candice's head in order to gain hers! Go Sylar! Too bad he is probably stuck on the Lost island.
Plenty of villains to look forward to in season two: Bob, West (rumoured), Kenzei (rumoured), Sylar, Peter, Molly's bogeyman etc. Notice also that almost all the main characters are in their opposite spectrum to their season one's personality.
Not a bad episode, but a bit too cramped. You can tell that they really wanted to squeeze in the twins despite it not forwarding the plot much.
I would like to take the opportunity to rant a bit here. The first half of Heroes season one DVD boxset was recently released here. Guess how much the suggested retail price is? 35 quid. And that is just for the first half. If you want the whole season you will have to wait till December when it will be priced for £60. Amazon UK will be selling it for £42, but even that isn't a consolation considering that Amazon USA is selling the complete boxset for US$40 (£20)! Daylight robbery indeed. And what is up with the trend on spiting DVD releases into two halves? It happened with Lost, CSI, Prison Break, Supernatural and now Heroes.
I hope they do something about the overall quality of the show. 3 eps in and its nothing but utter BS.
This trend was very apparent in last seasons One Tree Hill, and turned out the whole season sucked lemons.
At present rate, this reason will be nothing but a shadow of the previous.
It isn't a total disaster. I am not too keen on Hiros in the past, but I am sure the producers will surprise us with Kenzei. First three episodes were disappointing, but hopefully they will pick up.
Looking forward to Heroes Origin too.
I haven't given up on this season yet. I actually thought the first couple shows were pretty good, so no complains from me. So Jon, your not liking the Rogue product placement? I didn't notice it until everyone on the net was talking about it. I found out that the commercial they've repeatedly show is a play off of these funny maze videos:
I've had my suspicions of West too!!!
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