Monday, July 24, 2006


FilmFour is free. Yay! Thanks to Channel 4, they decided to destroy the occasion by screening the TV premiere of the awfully dreadful Lost in Translation. And a bunch of Renault ads during the first break (without the sound thankfully).

I never watched Lost in Translation because I wasn't stupid enough to be bought be the hype of Scarlett Johansson. I am not a fan of Bill Murray anyway. I thought he in Ghostbuster was horrible. They both played two horrible and downright miserable idiots who couldn't even enjoy the fact that they have the luxury to enjoy a foreign country. The Daily Mail would have been so proud of their will to NOT integrate if they were British.

Now, I am not really into political correctness despite by lefty leanings, but Lost in Translation begs to be labelled as a racist film (it isn't racist, but you can understand why many people would label it as) even if it wasn't intentional by the film makers with its many negative stereotyped views on the Japanese. What an utterly overrated film.

The great news though is there are a couple of good films to look forward this week. Australian horror Wolf Creek is being broadcasted Saturday at 11pm. Ultra cool Hong Kong flick Infernal Affairs get a second billing this Thursday also at 11pm. If you have time tonight (9pm), do enjoy Milla Jovovich in Luc Besson's The Fifth Element.

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RichardAM said...

Each to their own. ;)

I never liked The Fifth Element, I thought it was an absolutely terrible film.

On Saturday Four had a "Film4's 50 Films To See Before You Die". Are they planning on showing all of them films?

Jon Choo said...

No idea. Didn't watch that. Can't stand those "top XX" compilation shows that C4 keeps dishing out. When E4 became free that was the only original programme that they could do.

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