Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Olympics: Sports NOT Politics

The adoption by the western entertainment industry, that of liberal usage of photo shopping, air brushing, miming and rigged reality TV telephone voting scam is staggering. Yet when China adopts them (not the telephone voting as far as I know of - at least not as widespread as the BBC and ITV) for their own use, it suddenly becomes a scandal. The advent of home high definition tellies has proven one thing, the all around deception by industries like Hollywood (whose Universal Studio in LA I once visited - all gleamed in fakery) by people who claimed that they do their own stunts. But this is China, so of course an innocent little girl lip syncing is an outrage, but when newsreader uses fake backgrounds it is nothing...

Come 2012 will the media give equal coverage to the Scottish nationalists demand for independence, the same amount that they gave to the Tibetans? The only thing we hear about Tibet was how China suppressed the people there, with often the media conveniently forgetting of the killings of ethnic Chinese by rioting Tibetans. It is very similar to Georgia-Russia war, which last I checked Georgia were the aggressors. Of course many pointed out how sovereign Georgia is, allies that they are, but are equally dismissive of the sovereignty of Iraq when the illegal war started there years ago (no Iraqis participated in 9/11, no significant "WMDs" were ever found). Similarly are the Golan Heights and Palestine not equal to trendy Tibet? It isn't like the west has a great human right CV...

Fuck, yes free Tibet, but also free the Palestinians and all the other oppressed people around the world committed daily by allies of the west. If the west deeply thinks that they have the birth right to steer the moral policies and politics of other countries, the least they can do is fix their moral compass first in the right direction first. For now would the British media please leave the coverage of the Olympics unbiased, rather than using it to score cheap political points. It was supposed to be a celebration of sport, a means of bringing people together - not a party for hijacking gate crashers.

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