Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Nip/Tuck ad too racy for London commuters

As a perfect example that the UK is slowly but inevitably trasforming itself into a bleak version of prudish Americana, this relatively lame and restrained advertising campaign for Nip/Tuck has apparently been banned from going up around TfL's London Underground advertising slots. This follows the banning of the Fat Christ promotion, which features a man in pink boxer shorts being crucified. Sad. But at least this news does remind me that I really ought to catch up with season four, considering that season five is almost upon us.

Anyway does Julian McMahon look haggard in that poster or what? Time for another botox shot Dr. Troy.


Anonymous said...

I read the story a while ago but didn't expect the actual shot to be so...tame?

Due to the Writer's Strike nonsense I haven't been watching Nip/Tuck at all, but once LOST goes on it's month of hiatus it's all catch up from me.

Jon Choo said...

You reminded me. I need to get cracking on Lost again. Perhaps getting through the backlog seasons through a Star Wars-like session.

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