Monday, April 16, 2007

Jack Thompson spews bullshit again

Fox News has allowed Jack Thompson, the barred irrational Christian conservative anti-gaming and pro-gun lawyer from the US, to criticise the video gaming industry for what has happened in the US today. As a side note, nothing has been released to the media that indicates the shooter(s) was a gamer. We don't even know his or her age or name.

And even if he does, so what? Nothing will be proven except that a single killer was motivated by something, and even then it would not link an entire medium with the ability to influence people's decision. It is like Columbine all over again when Marilyn Manson got blamed. I bought Antichrist Superstar when it was released a decade ago (still listening to it) and play shooters on my PC and consoles. I have yet to kill anyone.

Only a sick tosser would use the death of others to further their own agenda.

via GAF


RichardAM said...

America's warped gun-culture strikes again...

Anonymous said...

This shooting says more about the country's gun laws if a none citizen was able obtain guns freely.


Anonymous said...

There was an interview with the father of a dead son this morning on ITV. Despite his son being killed and the perpetrator (then) unknown, he rambled on about how these killings are the fault of terrorists and abortions and lack of moral control. He goes on to defend the rights to bear guns, oblivious that one of the possible reasons his son is dead was due to how easy it was to purchase arms in Virginia.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with you, but 200 people died in Iraq today and the media is still obsessed with this shooting. If the boy were to kill 32 innocent Iraqis instead, he would be getting a medal today. Strange world we live in.

Jon Choo said...

What? 200 people died in Iraq? Surely you jest. Anything that serious will surely make the front page.

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