Friday, August 12, 2005

Damn the cat

God I hate the house cat. The landlords are away and I have to put up with the nonsence of having to listen to him moaning about the lack of food. I am not in charge of keeping the cat happy but it still annoys me to the death. Sometimes he would meow outside my window at 2am in the morning trying to get into the house. And he isn't even cute like those fluffy cats down the street who would follow me to town and wait for my return. No, this is one of those ugly thin cats. I seriously considered skinning him and having cat meat for dinner.


HardiJ said...

Geez, Jon, Jasper is all right actually. You are just sentiment with him just like you sentiment with Patrick.. How you feel if you were him? outside freezing your butts off when no one is letting you in? Landlord is the one supposed to be blamed. They should construct the cat flap so then he can go in and out without bugging other people. Anyway, cat doesn't need to be all bushy, he is a mix black siamese and have quite a good manner, in fact. :)

HardiJ said...

By the way, 'Bushy tail' the fluffy cat down the street is actually following me, Jon, not you :) and in fact waiting for my return from town. It's just happened to be that you were with me. Don't think cat can be friendly with you, bet you gave them spooked not vice versa! hehehe!Sorry to spoil the fun ;)

Jay said...

If it's skinny I wouldn't think it'd be much of a meal.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you use this opportunity to fatten him up?

Kat said...

A cat was outside my window a few days ago at 6 in the morning, obviously in heat and 'meowing' away like there's no tomorrow. That was annoying.

Jon Choo said...

Jen: Screw Patrick, if he was a real dog he would be lunch by now.

Jay: I am on a diet!

Anon: I should...I really should...

Kat: 6am! God I would have jumped up and cooked him up.

Jon Choo said...

I should!

Disclaimer to would be postal bombing animal right activist:

This is a joke. While I am not fond of the cat I have never hurt a cat in my entire life. In fact most cats love me.

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