Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The family's pleas (uncensored)

The Foreign Office has attempted to silent the family of Kenneth Bigley, a 62 year old father and soon to be grandfather, who is being held hostage by Iraqi rebels.

Here are the pleas of Mr. Bigley's family as appeared on today's The Independent:

Mr. Bigley's son, Craig:
"I ask Tony Blair personally to consider the amount of bloodshed already suffered. Only you can save him now... Please meet the demans and release my father - two women for two men. The Prime Minister is a father - he has children. I am a child - I have a father... We ask him to help us."

Mr. Bigley's brother, Philip:
"We have seen the Prime Minister spending timeon the trains that can help a commuter save 14 minutes on a journey to London when he should be devoting his time to saving the life of my brother. We are not politicians. He is the political head of our country (UK). It is the Prime Minister who has the power to save Ken's life. Prime Minister, we as a family are begging you, please help us. The death of the American hostage has proved to us that if nothing is done then the two remaining captives will die by the most horrific means."

Mr. Bigley's brother, Paul:
"We have nothing to do with the military, with politicians. I don't like the policy of the present Government... I am not impressed with Mr Bush and his antics. I don't think anybody else is, in the whole wide world... Now, dare I say it, I think I am going to lose my brother. The whole attack on Iraq was absolutely ridiculous... I will not be told to shut up, not about an important situation like this."

Source: The Independent No 5595 22/09/04

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