Death Note. No doubt you have all heard about it, if not shame on you. It is one of the more intelligent mangas to have ever left Japan that spawned two DS video games, two life action films and anime series. After reading it through my notebook for like the sixth time, we think it would be better of to just order the official mangas as we really do think that the auteur deserve their due. Also Jennifer hates reading comics on LCDs. So maybe this will get her hook too.
I've already read the fan translated version of it and found it so good, that six months later we decided that it is best to order the official translated books (book 4-12, we already have the first official three overpriced books from a comic store) published by VIZ media, from Amazon UK. It is far far cheaper than the prices that the high street stores wanted (double the VIZ listed American price) anyway. Early birthday present. ^^
Damn posties.
This is the first manga I read and it really got me hooked. Sufficed to say most mangas aren't as intelligent as this.
Not most but there are better ones out there. GitS is a fine example. But Death Note is pretty good too and will probably be viewed as a classic years from now.
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